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Analyze the attenuation rate of solar PV modules
The attenuation of solar PV modules mainly has initial photo-attenuation and aging attenuation. In addition, there are PID potentials that can induce attenuation. The following analysis of photovoltaic components decay rate:
1, the initial photo-attenuation: single crystal in 2.5 ~ 3%, polycrystalline in 0.5 ~ 2%; single crystal than polycrystalline attenuation of 0.5 ~ 1%.
2, aging attenuation: single crystal attenuation below the polycrystalline, but the production process (brand), packaging materials aging, the application of the impact of the environment may be high with the battery aging itself.
3, PID potential can induce attenuation: mainly by the location of the temperature, humidity and photovoltaic components at both ends of the voltage.
The current single crystal battery to P-based, this battery in the sunshine 2-3 weeks after the occurrence of 2% to 3% of the fast power attenuation, because the crystal growth in the use of boron as a dopant, while more Oxygen atoms mixed, alternative boron and interstitial oxygen in the light to stimulate the formation of deeper level defects, causing carrier recombination and battery performance decline. However, this recession can be restored under the effect of annealing. The power of the solar PV module will recover within 4 months or more (depending on the intensity and time of the sunshine). After 1 year, the cumulative attenuation is about 2.5% to 3% and tends to be stable.
Polycrystalline batteries do not have the above problems, but because of their own can not overcome the high impurity concentration and dislocation defects in the sunshine under the performance of solar PV modules will continue to decline about 3%, and will not appear recovery phenomenon.